When do I have a website penalty
Because of the many updates Google does it is hard to keep up with the correct rules. Linkbuilding Partner can find out for you if you have a Google penalty and if so how Linkbuilding Partner can fix this for you.

With the new Panda and Penguin updates Google has prevailed in the battle against web spam and bad quality web content. A website with mediocre content quality will lose google ranking. That’s why it’s very important to have at least the same quality or better quality content than your competitors.
What is a Google Penalty
When losing keyword rankings as a result of the Panda update this can be explained as a Google penalty. This might feel as a punishment but in reality it’s nothing more than a reevaluation of your website. Your rankings will increase if the quality of your website improves.
When a website is caught sending out web spam you probably receive a Google penalty. This is a manual action against web spam and will result in immediate decreased organic rankings.